The daytime temperatures from December through the end of February are generally above 30°C but the evenings can dip down to the low 20°Cs in January.
I knew that'd be the weather but it seemed quiet around the house. Jay's eldest sister returned to her house in Nugegoda yesterday. When the sisters are together there is a lot more laughter and conversation.
I thought it would be a good time to take out the drone and start practicing taking video footage. Now that flying is second nature and snapping images is easy, it's time to move ahead to gain some new skills.
I didn't need to open the UAV Forecast app but I did. I knew what the temperature would be. Also I didn't need the app to tell me the sun would be out for about 12 hours as near the equator I can take that for granted. The wind conditions do vary as does the number of satellites the drone can lock onto. Anyway, I was good to go.
So up,

Further up.
But not ... away!
Damn. I burned through a half-hour of battery flying time but forgot about taking any video. Okay, next time, then.