A Journal Overview / Navigation


In Search of a New FB MugYou can call me Dennis because that's the name my parents picked for me at birth. I'm likely called a host of other things nowadays but I'm sure a few would be deemed inappropriate in a public space. 

I was born in time to see a few of months of the 1950s with my own tiny, blue eyes. After that, I grew up, went to school, and eventually became prepared to earn my own money as a teacher. 

In the early 80s, I ventured out into the world at large. It really did turn out to be big. I soon met my partner when we were employed in Saudi Arabia. More time and few more instructional job positions passed. Then, at just one year shy of a dozen, we moved to western Canada. That was in 1996. 

Therefore, my final and longest employment experience was at the British Columbia Institute of Technology. I was a language instructor for seventeen years. I taught technical and business English to adult international students and new Canadians.  It was a fascinating career move and emotionally-rewarding experience. Yet, I stopped as soon as it became financially feasible.  My liberation was granted in the latter part of 2014.

Since taking advantage of early retirement, Jay and I have lived overseas during dreary, west-coast winters. We have saved money but spent many extraordinary months in countries such as: Mexico, Egypt, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, the UAE, Sri Lanka, Argentina, and South Africa. As you may have guessed, we love summers in BC but also savour part of each year in warm and sunny spots. 

This daily, online journal has been active for well over twenty years. It's how we remember the things we did and when we did them. I'm honoured to be able to share our experiences here.

Navigation Hints

Journal Navigation HInts

Several decades of text and photo data are accessible here. Ordinary navigation options are located under the header near the top of each page. However, in order to quickly locate additional entries, the area near the footer becomes important. First, in the lightly-shaded, green you'll often see the words:  

Newer Posts ---- Home ---- Older Posts

These are self-explanatory as they allow access to a more recent entry, the current week of entries, or one with an older date. Anyone can start at a particular entry and go forward or backwards a single step at a time.  

Furthermore, in the darker grayish area, the number of monthly visitors is shown. Under it, a user may easily select an archived month of their own choosing. For example, September 2022 (30) on the drop-down list will force the journal to jump to the 30 entries found in that month. All archives are organized in reverse chronological order, so September 30th will appear at the top of the page. Monthly archives will always contain several pages of data.

Lastly, the search function is where the magic can begin. A visitor can simply see if I've ever mentioned a particular word, phrase, or topic. Enter any word and select the search button. For example, I typed in the word, stumble and discovered I had used it in 10 different entries between 2007 and 2023.

2010 Games (23) 3-D Printing (23) 5-Night Local Cruise (7) Adobe Premiere Elements (4) AI-generated images (102) AI-generated text (37) AirAsia (11) Alaska (6) Alaska Cruise 2001 (9) Alaska Cruise 2019 (14) Alaska Cruise 2022 (9) Alaska Cruise 2023 (11) Alaska Cruise 2024 (12) Alberta (14) AllegiantAir (9) almsgiving (4) alternate facts (2) Amazon (56) Amber Sky (2) American Somoa (1) Amsterdam (9) analog (13) Android TV Box (35) Apollo Ghost (7) Apple Inc (17) Aquatic and Community Centre (1) Arts and Literature (29) Aspire Z 24 (6) Australia (4) Bahrain (33) balcony (148) Bali 2018-19 (57) Bangladesh 2020 (10) Bathroom Reno (21) BBS (7) BC Ferries (17) BC-WA Road Trip 2013 (6) BCIT (334) beach (66) beer (65) Bella Coola Road Trip (11) Bellingham (28) Berlin (4) Białystok (4) bikes (17) biryani (21) Blaine Stayover (3) Bloedel (8) blog (1) blogging (243) bread (18) Bret (53) briefcase (6) British Columbia (210) Brunei (1) Buenos Aires 2022-23 (81) Bulk Barn (11) Burma (Myanmar) (17) Burnaby (2) Burnaby Lake (2) Cairo 2015 (4) Cambodia (20) camcorder (49) Canada (114) Canada Day (30) Canadian Superstore (85) Canon SX740 HS (1) Cape Town (30) Carnarvon Place (86) cars (66) Central Europe Trip 2024 (36) Central America 2011 (36) changes (1) China (9) China and Malaysia 2011 (26) Christmas (103) Christmas in Cancun (6) Class of 1977 (14) Cleveland Dam (1) Coastal Cruise 2006 (12) coco (1) coffee (13) Columbia Station (11) Columbia Station Noise Problem (7) Columbia Street (42) community gardens (8) Como Lake (1) complaints (95) computer (4) computer lab (21) computers (158) Coquitlam (2) Costco (17) Countries Visited (14) COVID-19 (108) Cozumel (1) credit card (12) cross-Canada (14) Cruise from Port Louis to Cape Town (1) Cruise to Buenos Aires 2022 (19) Cruise to Cape Town 2025 (14) Cruise to New Zealand 2017 (49) Cruise to Prince Rupert (8) Cruise to Rio 2023 (14) cruises (1) Cuba 2018 (12) dad (1) Dar es Salaam 2024 (5) Deer Lake (1) dentist (10) Desert Southwest (23) Dictionary (2) digital camera (124) digital picture (41) dinosaurs (5) DJI NEO (3) DNA (2) Don (24) drinks (28) driving (43) drone (10) drones (37) Duba 2023 (1) Dubai (71) Dubai 2020 Expo (3) dubai 2021 (29) Dubai 2022 (9) Dubai 2023 (8) Dubai 2024 (10) Duck Swap (60) Duolingo (3) Durban (21) e-scooter (2) early retirement (113) Ecoped (17) Electric Vehicles (29) email (57) errands (251) Eurotrip 2005 (31) Eurotrip 2007 (41) Eurotrip 2010 (40) EVO Car Share (5) fake news (2) false advertising (1) father (22) feelings (381) fiction (3) Fiji (2) file archives (30) fire (1) fireworks (13) Fitbit (6) flash memory (20) Flic en Flac (6) Flickr (310) Flickr slide show (31) Flipboard (9) flora and fauna (141) Florida (2) flying (103) food (309) Fraser River (133) futurecast (21) games (21) Gdańsk (1) glasses (24) Google (87) Google Earth (24) Google Home (41) government (68) GPS (36) grandmothers (12) Grouse Mountain (1) growler (4) hair (3) hair colour (1) Halloween (6) hard disk (14) hardware (52) Harrison Hot Springs (6) Hawaii (10) Hawaiian Shirts (11) HDTV (62) health (127) Hikkaduwa (1) Hollywood (4) Hong Kong (8) Horseshoe Bay (1) Hulu (10) humour (54) Hurghada 2015 (6) Hurghada 2016 (4) Hyack Parade (12) Hyundai KONA Electric (76) IKEA (15) In-front-of-series (6) India (27) Indonesia (10) Instagram (1) Internet (328) IP (24) Ipoh 2019 (3) Istanbul 2022 (6) Italy (21) Italy 2008 (23) jackfruit (10) Jay's Birthday 2025 (2) Jay's Surgery (30) Joel (86) Johannesburg (5) Juneau (1) Kenya (7) KIA Niro (7) kid's story (9) kitchen counters 2024 (5) Kiva (8) KL is ... (3) Krabi 2019 (3) Kraków (1) Kuala Lumpur 2019 (75) Kuala Lumpur 2020 (47) Kuwait (29) Langkawi (4) Laos (10) Las Vegas (28) Last Will and Testament (2) Laurie (37) Laurie's Visit 2024 (15) LED Strip (6) library (24) light bulbs (5) Linux (2) lists (33) living room furniture (8) London (8) Los Angeles (14) Lowe's (8) Luxor 2014 (7) Lynn Canyon (2) Machu Picchu (1) Madagascar 2024 (8) maintenance (139) Malacca 2019 (4) Malaysia (16) mattress (5) Mauritius 2024 (27) Mavic Mini (44) Mazatlan (51) Mediaplayer (29) Mediterranean Cruise 2017 (35) Metrotown (8) Mexican Cruise 2008 (14) Mexican Property (19) Mi band (26) Midjourney (7) Mini-Road Trip 2014 (8) Minuwangoda (41) money (220) monkeys (10) Moon Bugs (4) Moorebot Scout (2) Mother (9) motorcycles (18) mountains (33) movie musical (20) Movie Night (1) movies (194) MS Teams (2) Mt. Baker (12) Museum of the Future (2) music (80) musical theatre (10) My YouTube (62) MyEV (79) n (1) National Geographic (11) NE/Canada Cruise 2019 (3) Near East Trip 2014 (33) Near East Trip Planning (9) Nearby Neighbourhood Parks of 2020 (21) Neo (1) Nepal (10) Net apps (93) netbook (20) Netflix (25) New 7 Wonders of the World (1) New Caledonia (3) New Westminster (877) New York City (32) New Zealand (8) NewWest filming (12) NH Trip (10) Niagara Falls (2) Nikon P900 (16) Nikon S9900 (21) Nile Cruise 2016 (4) Novus Internet (2) Nvidia Shield TV (9) NYC2005 (17) NYC2009 (10) Okanagan (27) OnePlus (12) Ooma (8) opinions (274) Our 10-Year Plan (14) our ashes trip (1) Our Cruise History (2) Our Sri Lanka 2021/22 (1) Overnight Trip to Lesotho (2) Ozempic (13) Panama 2018 (10) Pandora (7) paper (1) parade (6) Paris (12) park (2) Parks in the BC Lower Mainland (25) passport (11) Pattaya 2018 (13) Pattullo Bridge (29) PBS (15) peeps (2) Penang 2011 (5) Penang 2017-18 (88) Penang Thaipusam (2) Persian (1) pets (58) Photo Sphere (21) Phuket 2019 (5) Pier Park (94) Pier West (19) pig (8) Pinterest (30) Pinto (10) Pixel 5 (2) Pixel 7 Pro (3) Pixel Watch (17) podcasts (47) poem (1) Port Louis (1) Port Moody (2) Portland (15) Portland Pride 2009 (6) Prince Rupert (1) printers (14) privacy rights (12) PS3 (30) Puerto Vallarta (46) Puerto Vallarta & Guadalajara 2010 (24) Puerto Vallarta 2012 (8) Puerto Vallarta 2013 (8) Puerto Vallarta 2023 (12) PVR (14) QR Code (7) quarantine (10) Quay (30) Queen Victoria (14) Queen's Park (97) quotations (150) Qurna Market (7) Ranger (59) RC vehicles (9) relaxing (27) Réunion (1) review (55) Riga (3) road trip (106) robovac (1) Royal City Mall (29) Royal City Star (10) Royal Columbian Hospital (4) RSS (22) Russia (2) San Francisco (19) sandals (12) Saudi Arabia (48) Scandinavian Cruise 2016 (24) scanned snapshots (18) sci-fi (23) science fiction (2) SE Asia 2013 (53) searching (16) Seattle (27) SF Pride 2018 (1) sharing (31) shaving (9) Siem Reap (11) Siem Reap 2018 (34) Sigiriya (7) Simcoe Park (3) SIN-BKK 2024 (20) Singapore (5) SkyTrain (45) smartphone (117) social networking (141) software (65) soursop (6) South Africa (3) South African safari 2025 (2) South Eastern Europe Trip 2025 (4) Southwest Road Trip (8) souvenirs (18) Sri Lanka (121) Sri Lanka 2004 (54) Sri Lanka 2006 (29) Sri Lanka 2009 (35) Sri Lanka 2012/13 (95) Sri Lanka 2019/20 (88) Sri Lanka 2021/22 (79) sri lanka 2023 (1) Sri Lanka 2023/24 (54) Sri Lankan food (90) Sri Lankan Property (20) staff (4) Stanley Park (5) stars (34) Strata BBQ (11) Street View (36) students (102) Summer Lovers (5) Sunapee (71) Surf Internet (13) Surrey (67) T&T Supermarket (18) tablets (54) Taipei (5) technology (113) TED (1) telephone (46) television (176) temple (32) Tesla (2) Təməsew̓txʷ (1) Thailand (19) Thanksgiving (13) the French Riviera 2023 (38) The Happiness Series (2) The Harbor Gameroom (16) the Maldives (1) The Wedding Weekend (6) the Wenas (29) Then and Now Images (3) thrift shop (26) Tile Trackers (3) Tim (73) Time Machine (2) Tipperary Park (53) to (1) tour (2) tourist shots (43) train (23) transit (62) travel planning (233) TRS-80 (6) Tulum (4) TuneIn (2) Tunis 2016 (6) Turkey (Country) (9) Vancouver (199) Vancouver Island (25) Vegas 2024 (5) Vietnam (9) Viking Passage Cruise 2022 (30) Villa Diletta (27) Vilnius (4) Walmart (61) Warsaw (10) Washington DC (16) weaather (1) weather (564) webcam (26) Week in Montreal 2019 (9) Weekend in Winnipeg 2022 (6) Window (1) Windows (63) winter 2014-15 (151) Winter 2015-16 (161) winter 2015-16 (planning) (17) Winter 2016-17 (planning) (16) winter 2017-18 (planning) (7) winter 2018-19 (152) winter 2018-19 (planning) (14) Winter 2019-20 (136) winter 2019-20 planning (11) winter 2020 (3) Winter 2020-2021 (159) winter 2020-21 planning (11) winter 2021-22 (113) winter 2021-22 planning (17) winter 2022 (2) winter 2022-23 (104) winter 2022-23 (planning) (9) winter 2023-24 (68) Winter 2023-24 (planning) (13) Winter 2024 (2) Winter 2024-25 (111) winter 2024-25 (planning) (15) Winter 2025 (2) World Vision (17) Zanzibar 2024 (3) zip.ca (20)