Tim Conklin taught some of my classes during a teacher training
course. This photo was taken almost exactly four years ago.
Today, I drove to the campus for an instructors' meeting. Due to how our program operates, I haven't seen some of my colleagues for a very long time. We share an office but have different schedules and teach in far-flung places. Also, for quite a number of years I have been working summers but having September and October free. When there're been big department meetings, they have generally occurred when I have been out of the country. So, it was pleasant to see some of the staff this afternoon. It'd been so long since I'd seen some, I was aware of how we've all aged. I did start working at the BC Institute of Technology in 1997. People do change a lot during a space of thirteen years.
Isn't it good that one sees oneself in the mirror every day? When spread out over the years, the shock from seeing the ravages of time is lessened.