Jay happily discovered that our building of six units has a common garden space. It has spices he can use for cooking. The tropics have many types of fresh plants commonly used as spices. I noticed there were curry leaves in last night's soup. I saw lemon grass ready to be cut too. Mauritius is approximately 4,000 km from Sri Lanka and also in the Indian Ocean. However, which plants thrive is more related to the latitude than the nearest ocean.
I had some relaxing time to contemplate things that I could start working on. The Internet really does mean that one's office is always as close as the nearest laptop. I am trying to think of ways to use some of our money for enjoyment. When one starts counting the likely years remaining, eventually that number can seem surprising few. I surely don't have any need to leave cash behind after we're gone. Well, perhaps just a bit for a charity or two.