Day 041: Yesterday, I posted the Mauritian-Chinese food called a "Magic Bowl". It had all fresh ingredients and was reasonably priced at less than US$ 7 for a portion with about as much as I could finish. Yet, we do not often eat out during our winters away. The picture above was lunch that Jay made today.
This is a photo of the inside of our Airbnb's refrigerator. This year we're spending three of our four months living in three different Airbnbs, the one here in Mauritius and the others in Cape Town and Durban, South Africa.
Some people mistakenly believe we need a lot of money to travel the world. There is an upfront cost in getting to a location, indeed. However, every Airbnb we've ever stayed in for a month or more has cost us less than average monthly rents in our home city of Vancouver.
More importantly day-to-day life hardly ever costs more than when we're home. Eggs, for example, are quite a bit cheaper here than in Canada. Mauritius isn't quite as cheap as many of our destinations, but when at the market in the photo found below, we didn't spend all that much! This is true of much of the foodstuff we've bought in most places around the globe.
Also, while away for the winter, all of our usual fixed costs completely stop. For example, we have no electricity bill, no car insurance, and no Internet and TV bills. So, being away for four of five months doesn't really cost us much more in total than staying home. It's a whole lot more educational and personally gratifying for Jay and me though.