Also today, we booked some segments of future trips. That's one good thing about the Internet; it really doesn't matter where one is when it comes to planning travel adventures. We've really become quite adept at organizing our travels. We do the things early that give us better deals but we wait on things when it makes sense. We've become adroit travel agents for ourselves.
Today we ensured that next winter will start for us on November 11th. We know we'll be doing a bit of the familiar before embarking on things never explored. We're happy there are now direct, Air Canada flights between Dubai and Vancouver. We'll be going home on one of the 15-hour flights in mid-March. And now, we have made steps to ensure we'll head the other way next November!
Before all of that, we have plenty of other plans. In fact, in a week from tomorrow, we'll be heading to Singapore for a few days. We'll continue to Bangkok, Thailand for ten days too. We fly back to Colombo before February ends.
In anticipation, I used AI to create an image. It's called, 'Singapore Shopkeeper'.