Sri Lanka is a good example of a place with a robust private system of medical labs. There are three or four competing hospital-connected labs in the country. Nowadays, labs are located in most small towns. People get lab results before going to see a doctor. They have very convenient hours and are set up for speedy results.
Jay and I wanted to do a normal series of blood and urine tests. Jay's younger sister also thought it was time for some semi-annual testing. We went to an Asiri Laboratories branch in Minuwangoda around 7:45 am this morning, a Sunday. We wanted a glucose fasting test and consequently wanted to get our testing done early. We entered. We then listed the precise tests we wanted to have done. Next, we swiped the credit cards and directly proceeded into the room for the blood collection. We collected the empty urine cups and promptly returned to the front with those too.
This lab is just a collection point but by early afternoon, we received notification text that we could see the results online. Oh, a glucose fasting test cost less than US $2.10 and the total for all that we chose came to around $US 18 each.
There were lots of pages of results. I have to wait for my electrolytes until tomorrow because they take longer to complete. I don't know if I ever had ESR - Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate done previously. I'm as happy as a student because I passed. I like exams where the lower the number, the better!