We're lucky to have this store uptown. For years and years, it used to be called Galloway's, and frankly, I didn't even notice the change of name on the storefront. I guess there must be a new owner. I wonder when it was sold. Happily, we haven't seen much of any difference. Goodway's is a small, cramped shop with barely enough room to turn around. In fact, I am always hitting something or other when we're inside.
Goodway's receipts simply say bulk items for most of the items we buy. I guess that is not less useful than Walmart Canada's severely shortened abbreviations that end up as DKCCW 500ML or WRG PER PT on the purchase receipts.
We buy things here that simply are not available elsewhere in such quantity or quality. Many of these items and products cannot be found on Amazon. If one's in search of something ethnic or a whole food product, it's a great place to start!