THREE: Day 51 - Bird feeders are for more than the birds, at least this one is. Both evening fruit bats and three-striped palm squirrels are welcomed.
ONE-HUNDRED FIFTY: This is the Old Kottawa Road. The sidewalk is much improved since our last visit. Further along, new traffic lights have made the intersections much safer. This spot is only half the distance as the crow flies. One must walk to the end of Rupasiri Mawatha and around the Mirihana Police Station to this location by the front.
TWO-HUNDRED AND FIFTY: This is simply a small shop and happens to be where Jay's elder sister generally buys her bananas. We passed this before sunset yesterday as we took a four-kilometer walk to the main junction of Nugegoda, Sri Lanka and back to the house.
FOUR HUNDRED: This marker has been buffed off and reinstalled on a base due to the road work and the addition of traffic lights. It is known as the Jubilee Post and was added in 1887 for Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee. Today's entry updates an earlier blog reference from December 2019.