We got our new TV two months ago, but still don't have a suitable TV stand. Presently, it is sitting on the corner stand for a tube TV from the 1990s which was shipped from Dubai when we moved here. The tube died and two, previous wide screens have been on the same cabinet which houses the receiver and other equipment. That worked all right, but this 55" stand is now larger than the base.
I have had an IKEA MOSJÖ TV bench in my online basket for weeks and weeks. The local IKEA was shut and the curbside pickup is swamped and wouldn't let me schedule a time.
The Coquitlam megastore finally opened again this week after a long COVID-19 shuttering. I thought we could go today and pick up the cheap stand and I would be able to put it together today. Ha! It seems like most of the traffic in this part of the Lower Mainland was headed to the same location. I suppose people who have been stuck at home for months decided to get rid of the tired old furniture they've been seeing.
We turned off, drove through the crowded under-building parking, saw the enormous queue of people corralled into a snaking line, and left without slowing down. Our normal supermarket is almost across the street. We went to the Great Canadian Superstore just to see the outside, pop-up gardening section. It was set up in a section of the parking area.
We also went in and I managed to but just a couple of items, I'd forgotten to get yesterday.