Friday, August 24, 2018

This ain't the Jetsons, without a Rosie.

Home DevicesAsking Google to turn on the bedroom table lamp or to change the colour of the balcony lights to aqua was fun, for a while.

I do like saying, "Hey Google, goodnight," and hearing what's on my next day's calendar, getting a chance to set an alarm, and hearing the weather before all the lights switch off and the white noise device comes on.

When something becomes habit, it's no longer so fun though. Using one of the three Google Home minis is becoming second nature for many common tasks. Setting a timer for something, or doing a simple math problem without a calculator is great. The Assistant's role in our lives can only increase.

It'd be nice to make bigger changes, but alas, our lives are too simple to automate. Buying a robovac would not be worth the money. Getting automated window shades would be of limited value. Installing a Nest thermostat or doorlock seems just silly.

So, I'll have to contend with dimming the living room lights, telling Netflix to play a movie title, or simply posing silly questions to a Home Mini.