![Screenshot 2015-09-16 14.06.55](https://farm1.staticflickr.com/643/20853922163_78e91b0fd1_z.jpg)
Modern medicine is mostly about the numbers, so it makes a lot of sense to get the collection and dissemination of it up-to-date.
I'd like to see much more robust implementation of networked technologies in our medical system. Care could be improved dramatically with instant access to patients' data. In Canada we are in a prime position to mandate provincial players tie into networked systems. If I'm in a car crash, I'd like my all of my personal records accessible to the admitting hospital. All prescriptions, private doctors' records, and a history of recent lab work should be there immediately. It's a no-brainer, really.
I signed into my ehealth after getting some lab results. These are the first small steps on a much larger journey. The business and financial sectors seem to have adapted to the Internet much more quickly than health care providers.