Getting new input should be a goal of life. It needn't be an erudite new concept or theory. For example, new the information might be discovering a supermarket isle where the birthday candles can be found. Or testing an alternative way of driving to a common destination may quality. Certainly, one's choice of television shows could educate as well as entertain.
I frequently do new things at my computer. Of course, I have been experimenting with these machines since personal computers came into existence. I love figuring out a new program. New hardware excites me. I love making things work. This type of problem-solving keeps one open to new ways of thinking and doing things. Entries in my eJournal and images are full of such details.
For example during the past few weeks, I've discovered Pandora Internet Radio, a way to buy a e-visa for Cambodia, and a method for saving Internet articles I've read on my Facebook wall. Also, I created my own version of crasher squirrel photo and began a real fascination with the volunteer micro-loan site called

Probably my most life-altering blog entry of recent days was yesterday's dealing with my reintroduction to Skype. We've had a fine day running around getting hold of gift items for the trip to Sri Lanka which begins on the 11th of next month. However, I started the day by answering a welcomed free call from Lynne who was at their place in the Weneas. I also put the contacts from my cell phone into Skype. Lastly, I talked a half an hour with my dad from my laptop. At less than 2.5 cents a minute, it's comparible to buying a calling card but much more convenient.