Of course there's a way around anything.

After only a few hours, I'm definitely hooked. All one has to do is type in a favorite song or artist and Pandora creates a personal station based on the selection. It chooses other music from that song's specific musical characteristics and genre. It's uncannily accurate in choosing things the user will determine as being a favourite. Pandora must use collective intelligence in their algorithms. The user can vote a thumbs up or down on specific songs as they play. Additionally, new 'seed' songs may be added by the listener at any time.
Music will never be the same. Of course albums are already history even though that's the way I have organized 50 GB of music files on my hard disc. It's easier to let Pandora create a playlist. More interestingly, one is exposed to songs and artists one may have never considered. Although I just wrote it a few line back, it demands repeating: Music will never be the same, again.