There's a difference between knowing about something and actually experiencing it. We're quite crippled here in Canada due to geographic copyright limitations. If I run a VPN and obtain an IP that looks to NBC as if I live in Los Angeles, then I can view their programs. If I pretend on my borrowed IP, I can use Hulu and the other major US networks. Of course, all of these restrictions are really silly in the Internet age. The copyright holders are begging for more restrictions rather than figuring out new ways in which to monetize their operations.

I thought I had an ExpressVu PVR timer set to record the Simpsons. For some reason, we haven't kept up this season. Has that show really been on the air for twenty years? I didn't know that, for example, they finally went high definition this February. We caught up on a few episodes today through Hulu. It might not have actually been in HD but the wide-screen format looked as good as I get off satellite.