Today my present group started at 8:30 and finished at 12:30. It really is like an entire day is compressed into the morning hours. There are times, when class is over, that I really don't have the energy to accomplish much of anything. It's early in the afternoon but my day may as well be over. Fielding lots of questions, and interacting with twenty students can turn my mind to mush by 12:30 in the afternoon. I know I'd feel better if I went out for a long walk now but I simply don't feel like it. I could settle into the recliner with an e-book but it'd take too much sustained concentration.
I guess I'll web surf, go for a dip in the hot tub, and take a 20-minute nap. I want to make sure I convince all readers that this lack of action has absolutely nothing to do with my increasing age or general propensity for laziness. Rather, it is clearly the result of a spectacular teaching effort!