Trains still travel through downtown New Westminster next to the Fraser river. Firstly, they can be annoying at night when the whistle blares loudly enough to wake the dead. They travel at about 15 mph. I am not quite sure why European trains can barrel through villages at 150 mph and need not make a peep. Perhaps, Europeans pay for better signaling. Another disadvantage is the fact the tracks cut off access to the river for downtown residents. That area would be ripe for development were it not for the rail right-of-way. If there's a plus to having the trains, it must be how interesting it is to see what's on board them. Wheat from Saskatchewan passes through to the port. Cars and trucks sometimes hide in the rail cars. Of, course BC lumber and wood products are carried by rail too.
During the snow yesterday, I took this shot from the pedestrian overpass that runs to the New Westminster Quay. In our city only about an inch fell but what a cold winter so far! It's not even officially started. During most years snow only stays on the ground a day or so. However, as it's still freezing, and more snow is expected this weekend, we may have a white Christmas this year. At least the snow and ice match with all the holiday music. I guess the poor Australians never get to say that.