Actually, I feel really lucky to have a space to say whatever I wish. I am happy to have a location in which I can build up a collection of my ideas. Even on those weeks when work or other circumstances keep me occupied, I always find time to put at least a few new words or pictures on this page.
Of course, as I've been at this so long, I have had visitors from many corners of the globe. In fact around two to three thousand people drop in per month, on average. The list to the right in red shows a ranking of the Top 25 countries with the most visitors. A full one third of the people come from an IP address that resolves to .com extension. Canadian visitors come in a close second with around 27% of the page views from addresses which end with a .ca suffix. Surprisingly, around 14% of the net addresses are unresolvable meaning that they are not properly identified on the Internet with correct domain registration. After that, the stats plunge with visitors from Europe in the single digits. There is a bump in guests from the Middle East as I mention the Gulf countries a fair bit due to having worked there.
What I thought was interesting is the following list. A few people from these countries have visited my eJournal and images. Yet, I have logged fewer than ten visitors from these locations. I bet you wouldn't have known the Internet designation for many of them. Let's be honest; you may not even know where some of them are!
.ad Andorra
.af Afghanistan
.al Albania
.am Armenia
.an Netherlands Antilles
.az Azerbaijan
.ba Bosnia and Herzegovina
.bb Barbados
.bj Benin
.bm Bermuda
.bn Brunei Darussalam
.bo Bolivia
.bs Bahamas
.bt Bhutan
.by Belarus
.bz Belize
.ci Cote D'Ivoire
.cy Cyprus
.dj Djibouti
.dm Dominica
.do Dominican Republic
.dz Algeria
.ec Ecuador
.et Ethiopia
.ge Georgia
.gh Ghana
.gt Guatemala
.gu Guam
.gw Guinea-Bissau
.hn Honduras
.ht Haiti
.iq Iraq
.jm Jamaica
.ke Kenya
.ky Cayman Islands
.lb Lebanon
.lc Saint Lucia
.ly Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
.mh Marshall Islands
.mk Macedonia
.mn Mongolia
.mo Macao
.mt Malta
.ni Nicaragua
.np Nepal
.pa Panama
.py Paraguay
.sd Sudan
.sn Senegal
.sv El Salvador
.sy Syrian Arab Republic
.tn Tunisia
.tt Trinidad and Tobago
.tz Tanzania
.ua Ukraine
.uy Uruguay
.vg Virgin Islands, British
.vi Virgin Islands, US