That seems an unlikely pair to show up in the same paragraph, doesn't it? I love my present age but I'm too young to listen to Tony Bennett and too old for Alicia Keys.
Well, perhaps that's not really correct. Both these artists do exist on my external 500GB drive. Lots and lots of music exists there and I'm now making it a habit to play those files. My computer contains a audio card that outputs in Dolby Digital and DTS. I have a long optical toslink cable running to a switch on my home theatre system.
So, I can sample both the artists mentioned here as I'm typing out this entry. I suppose it's not really necessary to keep music files in a file folder on a hard drive. I mean, after all, I could simply choose to listen to music from more than a dozen themed channels on the satellite TV box. Or I could play continuous music from thousands of Internet radio stations. I wonder why I have a desire to collect digital music files. I guess a trip to ebay could prove that people are born collectors; it's in our genes.