Day 036: This morning, Jay and I decided to walk down the beach a fair bit. We saw that the bus route ends in a place called Womar and we found where that is. We saw a small supermarket and decided to go inside. I saw several things I thought were interesting.
Inside the shop, there was a collection of souvenirs for sale. So, far I hadn't mentioned that Mauritius is the island of the famous, but extinct, dodo bird. You must have learned about the bird species in school. It represents one of the first times that humans had a hand in the extinction of an entire species. That's why it was in your school book and you probably remember it because it had a funny-sounding name.
A second interesting thing I spotted was Corona beer for sale. Granted this is a beach town and a smooth sweet beer can quench one's thirst. Yet, I sort of thought the Indian Ocean was an odd place to sell Mexican beer.