One large difference is that I have completely eliminated the mobile-only pages. Now whether one visits via an enormous 65" TV monitor or with a miniscule phone, the same page is displayed. I apologize in advance if you're over 40 years old and using a tiny device.
There are now currently four tabs in the header. The first is the main page and shows the most recent post at the top with the week's remaining in reverse chronological order. The next tab shows my contact page with address, email, and phone numbers. The third tab is new and will let me occasionally post short things I find interesting. The final tab will take visitors directly to the location of tens of thousands of my online images.
Here's a screenshot of the new Notes & Updates section found under the third tab from the left.
The bottom of the page is not visible in this graphic but it hasn't changed at all. You may scroll down to see it now. It shows the number of visitors for the last month, allows you to zoom directly to any month between the present and when the blog was started in 2003, and provides a search space for the entire site.