I usually walk uptown on Wednesdays for exercise but I didn't today.
Our family doctor works in a clinic just across the street, so first I went to the office to get a print-out of a blood test lab requisition for Monday. I had consulted with Dr. Huang on the phone. Although the request should be available right on the lab's computers, I still don't mind carrying a paper version as backup.
I brought it back up to the apartment and, then walked down Columbia street toward the other end of downtown.

Although I haven't really lost inches around my waist, I know that eventually my weight loss will force me into smaller pants. Call it 'aiming for a goal'. I picked up some unworn-looking pants at the Thrift Shop. I already have a pair of jeans that are two inches too small around the waist. When we get back in the spring, I'm pretty sure most of the trousers I'm presently wearing are going to be a bit too baggy.
I was a Boy Scout. I'm always prepared!
I crossed the tracks and returned to the apartment by walking through Pier Park along the edge of the Fraser River. Our apartment is in the taller building with the green balconies towards the right side of the following picture.