Although everything is on our phones, we appreciate being able to reference paper before and during trips. We are in Nugegoda so services such as printing are just outside the door. We walked to the intersection and stopped at a shop that prints and does photocopies. (I had my haircut for the first time this year too. The barber was experienced and did a good job so I tipped him an extra 31 cents for a total cost of US $1.87.)
All this planning for Bangkok made me consider when Jay and I first visited. Right at the end of Operation Desert Storm better known as the first Gulf War, we were able to fly again. We left from work in Bahrain. We had hunkered down during the war and were ready for a vacation. We stayed for five weeks. So as well as visiting Bangkok, we spent time in Pattaya and Phuket in the south, and Chang Mai in northern Thailand.