Wacky weather, we've having. We thought we'd escaped winter, but one can never be sure in BC. Today, we had a taste of snow and hail. We went uptown in the morning, but only for short errands. Around noon, the show began and was best seen from inside. Nothing has amounted to much, other than me gaining the right to complain.
While the picture above was taking place, this one was too. Alex came to fix our gas fireplace. Last fall, before we left, the thermocouple burned out and that meant the unit wouldn't stay lit. We called last week and as he was coming to our part of town today, he fit us in before another appointment. Yay. No more baseboard electric heat is required! We love it as hot as the tropics in our apartment and now we'll have no qualms about ensuring it is. The gas in our building is part of our maintenance fees.
So, thank you Alex; it'll soon be about 27°C in here!