It was a much nicer morning than afternoon. We'd not been to Costco since getting back in Canada. Our nearest warehouse is in Burnaby not far from the Lougheed area and only about 5 km from the apartment. Interestingly, today I plugged my phone into Kimchi and Google directed me on a slightly different route than I would've taken.
There was a lot of fresh snow on the mountains.
We didn't buy a great deal but found that the packaged nuts were cheaper than on Amazon. So, Jay picked up hazelnuts, brazil nuts, and walnuts. We got a few other times such as juice and apples. We didn't buy any Peruvian pomegranates at CA$ 4.00 each but did marvel briefly at their size.
There's nothing like a Costco to remind one that he or she is but a mere speck in a giant retail landscape. This is one of the smaller warehouses but there's so much on offer.