Day 134 - From our hotel's windows, we've been looking at the Galata Tower for six days and nights. However, it was built in the year 1348 which means people have been looking at it for 674 years. That type of accomplishment merits a page in my eJournal and images.
We enjoyed our last day in Istanbul. The day started by paying 100 Turkish Lira ($US 6.82) to go up. I'm sure we visited during our stays in the 1990s but neither of us remembers a great deal about that experience.
We did the typical things we've been doing lately but realizing that we'll be checking out of our hotel at about 9:30 AM tomorrow morning. Before boarding our afternoon flight, we will get COVID-19 antigen tests for Canada. Our flight arrives eight hours before the mandatory testing will be cancelled.
The capital of Turkey has been a great 6-night stopover! I'm sure this won't be our final visit.