Day 66 - The other day, I sent a message to a friend. It had a photo of blue sky above a cluster of coconut trees from the backyard. I entitled it, Good Morning, as it was. A quick reply arrived with an added, southern 'hemispherians'. The retired teacher in me pounced to correct him.
Sri Lanka is completely north of the equator.
I'm presently about 6°N latitude. I'm sharing this parallel with countries such as the Ivory Coast, Nigeria, parts of Malaysia, the Philippines, Columbia, and Venezuela. But, it is technically wintertime here in the Northern Hemisphere. There are not any blasts of arctic air though.
This morning was the coolest yet of our stay. The temperature dropped to about 19°C Centigrade last night and is forecast to do so tonight. (That's about 66°F for those who are metrically challenged, which is basically the whole United States only.) There was a tiny bit of fog among the trees in the morning. Also, the two cats definitely needed a little warming up time in the first bit of sunshine.