Day 31 - This was from the screen on the seat in front of me the other night. I hate watching movies during flights. Luckily, it took us less than four hours in the air to get to Colombo. We did have to fly just over the southern tip of India and by that time we'd already started our descent.
Of course, getting here can never be as much of a pleasure as being here. Our month in Dubai got our bodies within coping capability of handling the time zone. That, plus having zero sleep when flying, meant I fell asleep last night at 10:30 PM and got up around 7:30 AM. Also, fortunately, the ceiling fan noise cut the early morning cacophony of tropical bird noises.
Sometimes, when we fly in from the Pacific side, it takes ten full days to get the rhythm of things.

The last time we were here on our first full day, Jay plucked a fresh bunch of bananas from the garden. That was documented here.
So, two years later, when wandering the garden, he chose to pluck a bunch of king coconuts. The bright orange ones are more prized than the usual, little green coconuts. In fact, they are a major export and we saw hundreds of full boxes being sold in Dubai supermarkets.
Have you ever thought about how the fruit and the colour are the same in English? Well, in Sinhalese, Jay's mother tongue, the word for the colour orange is the same as the one for a king coconut.
Whatever you call them, their water surely quenches one's thirst!