We only see the inside of a bank a couple of times a year. Today, was one time for 2021. We had a 10:00 AM meeting with our banker to renew some GICs and shift funds into accounts that will minimize our taxes. It is always nice to chat with Frankie.
I hit the scanner again in the afternoon. I'm glad I've made this a summer project as getting old snapshots scanned and organized will take a while. I repurposed an existing Flickr album to include only images taken of our group of friends. It'll be a while before I hit the film photos taken during the first few years in Canada. I didn't get my first digital camera until 2002. I didn't start putting all digital photos online until the mid part of that decade.

Then, I pulled from early experiences. I uploaded a roll of film from our first trip to Thailand in the spring of 1991. Next, I went back to an even earlier time to put a number of photos from a trip to the Maldives. It is fun breathing new life into old prints. It is also very satisfying getting rid of the original prints.