So, Jay is going through a pile that we've carried here from the other side of the world and kept in closets for 28 years. This particular pile was from Nepal and taken in January 1993. The paper hadn't been handled in decades. I'll pick the image that Jay is ripping. I put it and sixty others on Flickr today. This image had likely never been seen by more than five people. Now, however, it lives on the Internet. I can put it right here for you to see.
And if you stop at the apartment, I can show it to you on our TV as well. All of the Nepali photos have the following description:
While working in Dubai, we had a chance to take a vacation to Nepal in January 1993. We went to Lumbini to see Buddha's birthplace. We also took a bus to Pokhara and flew back to Kathmandu.
I'll add a few more.