Today, I remembered to attempt a 360° photosphere when we visited the park on the other side of the river. The SkyBridge is one side and the iconic Pattullo Bridge on the other. Eventually, this picture will be historical as the construction of the replacement for the Pattullo is
finally underway. We have lived in New Westminster for 25 years this summer and there's always been talk about the need to replace the unsafe, narrow structure. The new bridge will be built a bit upriver on the other side of the existing span for trains.

This prompted me to see if I could collect some of my attempts over the years in shooting photospheres. For years Google phones have included the option with the camera app. I used to occasionally remember to try taking these types of images but it is not easy nor is the task very forgiving. One has to turn around in a complete circle and shoot at every angle. Crowded places don't work well either as you'll end up with ghost images and abberations such as legs without a body. Google initially saved them under Google photos, but later moved a bunch to Google Maps. Still, I seem to have about half that I'd taken.
It seems as though the last time I tried with a hacked version of Google camera on my OnePlus 6. This was taken last year in Kuala Lumpur at the Thean Hou Temple.
I have rounded up
a total of only 21 so far. Like all of my images, they've ended up on Flickr now. If you are viewing in a normal browser, you should be able to mouse around to see the whole scene. Clicking a photosphere will show the original image on the Flickr website.