An intent auditence at a free musical program in front of the Sogo Mall.
There's no chance of that yet as we're still healthy and have quite a few years left in our ten-year plan. For some time, we have been discussing what to do next winter. We've thrown around some novel locations. We've contemplated places such as Durban, South Africa. Agadir, Morocco was another initial location. Even Port Louis, Mauritius isn't out of the question as international flights are as cheap as they've ever been. Now we're leaning towards more time in SE Asia combined with three months in Sri Lanka.
We will probably adjust our travel dates. We started our first Puerto Vallarta winter on US Thanksgiving day of 2014 because we had freshly retired the previous month. Lately, our winters have been taking place from mid-November to mid-April. I think it'd be better to move from the beginning of November to the beginning of April in future years. November weather almost always sucks in Vancouver and by getting back a bit earlier we might see the tail end of the cherry-blossom season.