Exactly two weeks before Jay goes in for his heart surgery, we went there because I called paramedics for myself. Whatever virus I have, caused effects I've never felt before. My heart would race and blood pressure rise to abnormally-high levels all of a sudden. I have many family members who died much too early due to heart problems, so I'm sensitive to the topic. That sort of kept me on edge and two days ago, my family doctor wanted me to wear a Holter monitor. I had one attached yesterday afternoon at 1:00.
However, after dinner at around 6:20 PM I had another episode when my pulse went from its normal 60s to 115. I was just sitting on the couch watching TV. I realized that these situations had only lasted a few minutes. What concerned me though was that I felt very dizzy, too dizzy to drive. So, at 7:15 PM I called 9-1-1 and they dispatched paramedics who were here in less than five minutes.
By the time they arrived I had less dizziness and was able to walk. Still, they brought me to the hospital ER in a little ambulance. The ER was crowded at this time of the evening, but I had blood checks, lots of questions, numerous ECGs, and a chest x-ray. I had to be there until after midnight so that they could test the blood six hours after my 'event' to check for heart damage. It was an all clear. I kept on the Holter device and returned that today. It'll be sent to a cardiologist for review.
Better to be safe than sorry, I guess.

I have a RCH hospital patient number now! The experience was interesting and I got to see a gaggle of BC Institute of Technology Nursing students doing practicum. That is the institution where I taught for 17 years. Jay was with me although waiting around must've been rather boring for him, I'm sure.
By the time I was released it was after 1:20 AM today. The SkyTrain, which would have been able to carry us right to our building, had already ceased service on a weekday night. We took a taxi, which even with high rate time cost under $10.