I hope it was a happy Friday for everyone who sees this post today.

Today, we were in our regular routine for this day of the week. That generally now includes buying fruits and vegetables at Langley Farm Market. Today was a bit different as we stopped first to pick up a little flat of mangoes at the Safeway. We never buy anything at the downtown Safeway but saw these on sale for CA $7.99. We thought that sounded like a good price for ten or twelve mangoes. The Ataulfo seemed rather tiny and case weighed just 5 lbs, but it still seemed like a good enough deal.
Our weather has been rainy and gray for the last few days. Strangely, this is the type of weather we've been missing. Wet and dark is typical for here now. We hadn't planned on being at home all this winter, but have found the unusually cold and days snowy unique. When does spring start, though?