At first glance, it looks innocent enough. It's just a friendly greetings, right? Ah no, I fear it is proof of something much more sinister. It is something I have to work on. I need a little help.
Dennis Hurd is using social media platforms to brag about the weather he's enjoying. He knows he must find other ways to boost self-esteem. Temperatures are hardly a reason to make friends and family jealous. It's not anything for which he's done or strived. It just happens to be a place he is currently located. Silly, isn't he?
Furthermore, it is all something of a farce! Mr. Hurd doesn't really mind snow as it falls quite infrequently in the place he's called home for going on two decades. Surviving cold temperatures can provide a sense of camaraderie that can actually be rather inclusive and exciting. Dennis isn't considering that many folks may enjoy whatever weather surrounds them. In fact, this would sound like a rather healthier mental state of well being.
All right! I promise to delete the two images shown above from my Facebook wall. I will strive to be much more balanced with my blog postings. My tone will change. I promise. I promise. Let me start now. I'll not mention the weather when discussing the picture we just took when walking back from the Farmer's Market in the Park. I love walking up the paths through the River Cuale Island.
(Do note the lovely tropical plants and the fact nearly all the people are wearing shorts and sandals.)