The sky is blue. Yet, I want to add several images to remember what I picked up on the way home today. Who would have ever thought that I'd need much local disc space. More and more of our data ends up stored somewhere on the Internet. Nobody really cares where one's email site stores the messages nor where Facebook keeps one's family pictures. As long as it is there when we switch on the computer, all is fine.

It is my little Minix NEO X8-H which prompted me to update my local storage. I may stream a lot of content via Netflix, but I am also ditching copies of movies on DVDs and moving to mp4 files. An entire movie kept in a minimally-acceptable resolution eats up between one and two gigabytes. If I get hold of an HD television program, an hour can be anywhere between 600 and 900 MB. Suddenly, my old storage space started looking a little sparse.
This little mobile Seagate requires only the USB for power. I can leave it plugged into my Android streaming device. If I'm going to bother to watch something, I may as well keep the copy. Two terabytes of space should keep me going for a while. All this storage for less than $90. The continued technical progress of physical data storage never ceases to amaze me.