Our first stay in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia was in 2011.
It's funny what real web surfing can lead to. I must be doing less unstructured web browsing these days. Perhaps this is because Google allows us to operate in a type of stealth mode. We search, find, and finish in record time. It seems as though the leisurely pursuit of information, by simply following links, is less likely, for me at least. I do appreciate services like Flipboard because such a variety of sources can be discovered in a single app. One should be surprised about something during each session at a computer. The Internet should deliver new and occasionally unsought information.
Anyway, I followed a bunch of links from a Facebook friend's post. Eventually, it led me to this time-lapse of Kuala Lumpur. We visited several times, last in 2013. That city really is a favourite urban destination. I think Canadians can visit visa-free for three months. Now that might be an interesting winter away from the cold rain of a Vancouver winter.
Kuala Lumpur DAY-NIGHT from Rob Whitworth on Vimeo.