This weather cannot be stored up for use during our rainy winters. It becomes important to ensure one gets out during the precious sunshine. We took the SkyTrain to Commercial Drive this morning. Walking down the street of eclectic shops and restaurants was enjoyable. This is the Gay Pride weekend in Vancouver. The big parade takes place tomorrow with around a half million in attendance. Today at noon, we were able to see the Dyke March. It ended in Grandview Park where booths and a musical program was taking place.
We did quite a bit of walking. I stopped in many of the small markets. What a great place to buy fruit and vegetables! Formerly, The Drive was known for being the Italian quarter. Now there are a number of latin restaurants. I was not able to find a Hispanic grocer which sold Costa Rican Lizano Salsa though. I looked online when coming back and am pretty sure I found a location for that in another part of town.