We only had to travel between the Washington Tri-Cities and Yakima. We had a very relaxing 85-mile trip along I-82. The road was not crowded at all. This might have been due to our travelling on a quiet, Sunday morning. The road was well maintained and it was so easy to get into a relaxing 65-mph cruise. Do you know what I mean? It's the feeling one can get when the tires are turning over smooth highway and the world seems relaxed and organized. I suppose that this enjoyment of driving doesn't occur frequently for many of us.
The grapes and apple trees were just in the green sections of land as we were near the Yakima River and irrigation. The hills behind were a lovely, grassy brown.

We exited in Union Gap to hit a Safeway before heading on to Lynne and Joel's place in the Wenas. It had been years since we'd come in from the south and I made one wrong turn that made our trip at least 45 minutes longer than it needed be. Clouds started developing as we were leaving Yakima.
By the time we got to our friends' house it was coming down in buckets. This area is desert; why did we have to come stormin' in? The torrential rain was accompanied by cooler temperatures. So although this is the place with a pool, we were confined to the hot tub! Still not a bad way to spend part of an afternoon.

Dinner and our catch-up conversations were excellent and meaty. Lastly, we bored our hosts with YouTube video of our spring Near East trip. Bed time was pretty early.