The only reason I am posting them is because I have been investigating Android apps which could run on the media server which will be arriving by post from China. I am not encouraging the use of these apps as, in both cases, the software makes it possible to illegally view copyrighted material. I am not even suggesting I shall actually use them myself. However, I do wish to approach Popcorn Time and Show Box for their amazing technological underpinnings. Torrents are not evil, in and of themselves. File sharing protocols could have all types of legitimate uses. In fact, the only thing keeping them from widespread use has been the difficulties and complexities of setting them up.
Now, clever front-end apps can make streaming a torrent as easy as clicking on an image. The mechanics of connecting to hundreds or thousands of other computers for a file are completely hidden from view. The complexity issues have become mute.
This is an Internet protocol which could do so much more than allow one to access blockbuster movies for free. I cannot help but think that if Hollywood copyright owners had had a bit more foresight, they'd be using the underpinning protocols for their benefit. Now it may be too late. They simply wish to spearhead impossible efforts to stamp out a clearly superior method of consumption.