By happenstance, I noticed the link to this video today. I've never been a big fan of Smart cars. I have for a decade, however, felt as though the replacement vehicle for my 1996 Ford Ranger would be an all-electric. Fifteen years ago I figured that at this point we'd have reached a tipping point in technology and acceptance. I guess I'm still waiting although things such as the West Coast Electric Highway Project means I could successfully get to to Los Angeles without using a drop of petroleum.
It was strange that I discovered this video this afternoon, as when I was leaving the BCIT parking lot #7, I stopped to snap a photo of free charging station of the EV project with its huge solar cell array. Also, for a long time, there have been several quick-charge plug-ins near the NE 1 Building where I teach. As well, today I noticed several EV charging signs along the street right out front of my building. We've had free charging stations on the downtown parkade and up at city hall for quite some time.
So perhaps in two years when my truck and I get ready to part ways, an electric vehicle might be a possibility. Did I read in 2017 that Tesla will have its reasonably-priced Model 3 in production?