Fate and personal choice determine what we do in this life. My partner and I choose to do a lot of travelling. Everyone has unique priorities, and having opportunities to see the planet on which we were born seem important to us. Furthermore, the memories and education of travel provide more satisfaction than accumulating objects. Shiny things soon tarnish, and new cars only seem new for about a month. Memories, however, seem more akin to gold.
Lots of our meandering occurred a long time ago. The 1980's are the stuff of history books nowadays. I've tried to capture and collect some of those times and places here in my eJournal and images. The loose structure and open-ended organization of a blog make that possible for a lazy writer such as myself.
However, I've been able to be a little more religious about documenting travel from September of 2003 when this ever-evolving document first went online. For during this time, I've, for the most part, been able to write about the trips as they've occurred. And to add further organization, I can link to them from one location.
Today's entry is merely a means to recap the journeys taken during my last eight years and four months of blogging. The majority of the longer trips are on multiple pages and, true to blogging format, they're in reverse chronological order. So reading an entire, lengthy past trip requires going to bottom of the page and using the Older Posts link. That's a bit of an annoyance, but at least it gives me quicker access to a particular location or event.
A List of Longer Trips Since Blogging
China / Malaysia - September / October 2011
Central America - April 2011
Spain / Portugal / Morocco - September / October 2010
Puerto Vallarta / Guadalajara Mexico - April 2010
New York City- December 2009 / January 2010
Siem Rep, Cambodia - October 2009
Sri Lanka - September / October 2009
Washington DC - March 2009
Las Vegas, NV - December 2008
Italy - August / September 2008
Phoenix / Grand Canyon / Palm Springs - May 2008
Mexican Cruise - February 2008
Europe / Eastern Europe - September 2007
Los Angeles - May 2007
New Hampshire - February 2007
Hong Kong - October 2006
Sri Lanka - September 2006
Pacific Coastal Cruise - May 2006
Europe - September / October 2005
New York City - May 2005
Singapore - October 2004
Sri Lanka - September / October 2004
Calgary, AB - December 2003
San Francisco - October 2003