Right now, my class is writing a paragraph. We just discussed product pricing in our textbook. I put the following in the discussion board area of myBCIT.
Write a Paragraph with 4 Main Points
Think about everyday products. I want you to come up with a list of four which you will discuss. Tell a little about the prices of the items you regularly purchase. Which seem like a good value? Which common items, in your own opinion, cost too much? Give any information about costs as they relate to other places or other times in your life. Each product may need a varying amount of detailed proof.
I love being able to have them type ideas. Using a pencil and paper in a class can feel so anachronistic nowadays. When was the last time you wrote out more than a simple list by hand?
I truly wish the day would come when every student had a netbook with them during class. There's enough Wifi blanketing the BCIT Burnaby Campus to connect everyone in every single nook and cranny. (In fact, my phone connects to as soon as I drive into parking lot #7.) Teaching with access to the Internet is now a must. Learning with Internet access is just as crucial.