I probably spend a majority of my computer time in a browser nowadays. I expect this may have become the norm. An increasing percentage of work on the PC is done on the Internet. I have been reading and writing email wholly in Gmail for ages. I haven't yet jumped the ship on traditional word processing but that doesn't mean I spend much time in MS Word nowadays. Also, I have moved to calculating grades directly in BCIT's web portal rather than firing up Excel. This list continues.
As well as computer work, more and more of my reading takes place on screen too. We still get a major Vancouver newspaper as well as several community rags. I do find myself spending much more time reading online articles though.
If one is what one reads, then seeing the sources and materials might offer a suitable picture of someone. To assist in this goal, I set up a feed though Social RSS on my Facebook wall. This will help show the variety of my online reading habits. I re-activated an old delicious.com account just so I can pull its RSS feed onto my wall. When I remember to bookmark, clicking through that listing can give you a good idea of me. It's certainly more worthy than most of the idiotic apps on Facebook.