I spend hours on the Internet on most days. It’s not entirely active, undivided attention. Rather, I am always running to a browser to look up something. I frequently check my Facebook newsfeed. Or sometimes, I visit financial sites to see the value of the Canadian dollar.
All of these things would be easily done on a smartphone. I am just beginning to have a tiny bit of interest in this otherwise unknown area to me. Primarily, I’m slow to this genre of gadgets as I’m not much of a phone person. I use my basic cell phone just for convenience sake and I probably have only sent about four dozen text messages in my life. This lack of interest in cellular technology, has contributed to my lack of knowledge of current smartphones.
I spent a fair amount of time researching devices from Blackberry, Palm, LG, not to mention the infamous iPhone. Some look very appealing but it was hard to locate one that has all the features I would want. Still, it doesn’t really matter. In Canada we have fewer choices in carriers. With taxes included, about the best I could do would be about $70 / month with voice and 3G data. That’s much more than I can justify spending simply to update my status.