At least starting August 19th, there will be a 6:40 train departure from up here. That makes it feasible to get into Seattle at about 11:00. Mind you, I could blast down I-5 and make it in under three hours depending on the border lineup. Still, there will be returning trains every morning and evening. At least the idea of taking the train may not have to be dismissed outright. The service is only guaranteed to run until the end of the 2010 Winter Olympics here. I hope it proves popular enough to continue.
It's a shame the US Congress didn't shovel some of those US $3 billion in the 'Cash for Clunkers' program into high-speed rail infrastructure.
Talk about cutting one's nose to spite one's face.

September 14, 2005 - "Today we raced across Belguim
to catch a connection in Cologne for an even faster
ICE train to Frankfurt."