The numbers say it all. Perhaps they even explain why there's not much of an entry today. I spend eleven months a year dreaming about hot weather and now that's it's here I'm trying damn hard not to complain. We might even manage to break some records if the heatwave extends throughout the whole week.
I'm a little fickle. During the winter months, I keep the gas fireplace on full blast in an attempt to keep the room these temperatures. Now, that it's nature's idea, I want it considerably cooler indoors. We don't have air conditioning in the apartment though. Actually, nobody really needs it for the few hot days we must endure. Also, it's never too bad as things always cool off at night.
By the way, for those who don't speak metric, the 30 converts to 86 degrees Fahrenheit. The lower number of 19 equals about 66 degrees Fahrenheit.