I couldn't agree more with the discussion about the 'End of Solitude' on the CBC technology podcast called Spark - Eposide 68. In it there's talk about having alone time for introspection. I've ranted about the inane conversations I hear on transit or out in public. Most of the banter seems to be focused on finding out where the other party is at that given moment. I had always commented that it'd be better to shut the damned things off and for the people to just sit and THINK. So, it's not without a little irony that I want to share this episode with you which I first heard when I could have well been unplugged and alone with my thoughts.
I've quoted a passage by Walt Witman here in the past. It goes something like this:
Do I contradict myself? Very well, then, I contradict myself. (I am large, I contain multitudes.)