I sometimes think Twitter gets more press than Facebook. I had to see what all the kerfuffle was about. Being a veteran blogger, I took to the latter quickly and started convincing everybody I know they should join. The concept of Facebook is readily understandable to people who can handle a mouse. Well, I shouldn't be so quick to say that for I've had a rather nasty encounter with a former colleague who simply cannot 'get' it. In fact, a large number of folks from my life with whom I'd most like to maintain contact are not on Facebook. Damn 'em.
I will not try to get anyone to try Twitter, although after a few hours I am most intrigued. The reasons for using Twitter are less obvious and if one doesn't jump in and try, then its usefulness will go unrecognized. It is a powerful platform in search of useful tasks. It must first appear as if it's simply a place to bore others with the news that one has brushed one's teeth. It's much more. I have given up on ever 'following' many people I know. My age works against me here. My career doesn't allow me to rub elbows with techie enough colleagues. I'll probably end up utilizing it in a way similar to RSS feeds. I do have to add that I like the feeling of brushing up against the brute force of the tweeting masses.