Yesterday, I mentioned using RSS as a means to keep track of audio podcasts. If you, dear reader, follow my facebook wall, you will notice that I've started to share some of the audio I'm listening to each day. This is easily accomplished because references to media files may be enclosed in RSS.
Yet, Really Simple Syndication was initially developed to handle text and graphics. I am sure that you've got more to do than simply keep track of me. Yet, I will add just a few ways you could use RSS without browsing to my specific sites. I'd suggest Google Reader is probably a good online bet for those wishing to get started in this venture. There are stand alone software programs which do the same thing, but why make things more difficult? Each of the following addresses are specific feeds for some of my own constantly changing information.
my eJournal and images entries:
my recent Flickr photo stream:
my recent Facebook posted items:
my recent Flickr photos of my city: